Leadership is far more than rhetoric. Taking the point, metaphorically, is more than just power and control. Vision and missions...
Read moreDetailsLeadership is far more than rhetoric. Taking the point, metaphorically, is more than just power and control. Vision and missions...
Read moreDetailsTitles don’t matter. They really don’t. I know certain titles come with the recognition of power and status. I can...
Read moreDetailsSeeing, experiencing, and even participating in something doesn’t mean we understand what is going on. You may think you have...
Read moreDetailsIn every situation there is a choice. Driving for the basket or goal in sports; do you pass or do...
Read moreDetailsMore and more today people of all ages, professions, and personalities are worried about their brand. What is it? Whatever...
Read moreDetailsI have spent the last seven years of trying to drive change across several different organizations. The “challenge” is in...
Read moreDetailsIt is hard to know, appreciate, and understand how far something extends. Do parents realize they have a “smell” their...
Read moreDetailsWhen I sit and watch the best – artist, planners, athletes, musicians, actually anyone who is good at what they...
Read moreDetailsThe class system is alive and well. Sure it changes from time to time, culture to culture, however it has...
Read moreDetailsManagement and business trends, fads really, come and go with a seasonal regularity. Once in awhile, one sticks. The process...
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