The week began with a short list of action items. They were more than to-dos. They were items requiring results. ...
Read moreDetailsThe week began with a short list of action items. They were more than to-dos. They were items requiring results. ...
Read moreDetailsAs the evening sun began to dip away, I found myself in a conversation exploring yesterdays. It was an interesting...
Read moreDetailsI love change. I am addicted to the idea that everyone can learn, change, and doing something greater in the...
Read moreDetailsThe sign above the six-lane freeway says what everyone should intuitively know. It is unsafe to text while driving. Currently...
Read moreDetailsThere are many different ways to play the corporate game. As I shut my eyes, profiles of individuals that are...
Read moreDetailsThe email caught me off guard. The issue should have never gone beyond a question. If those that were in...
Read moreDetailsIn the heat of a debate, the fall back argument was thrown into the arena. “You know, there are those...
Read moreDetailsMost of the time when I look in the mirror, I do not see myself. Yes, I see the gray...
Read moreDetailsA key aspect of my role in business is, for the moment, to give voice to what others may not...
Read moreDetailsBit of information and data flood my life. Emails, corporate and personal, are constantly chirping on the blackberry and iPhone. ...
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