“He [God] has never let you down, never looked the other way when you were being kicked around.” Psalm 22.24
There are days where everything seems to hit. People are coming from the left and right! Life in pounding you from above and below. Nothing seems to work and everything is due yesterday.
Today I am glad that these days come along, even if they occur a bit to frequently for my taste. God works overtime on these days, touching life here, giving a glimpse of his work there, and always working the corners of life.
I find myself walking along David’s road, complaining about the hassles of life, worrying about the injustices about to hit, depressed with the size of the hill in front of my path.
Each time I find myself standing at the edge I hear God’s whisper calling me home. The words vary while the theme is consistent. I am strong where you are weak. I am confident where you cannot be. I have love for two. I can fill your cup with grace. I am.
There is a condition. I must accept the free offer in order to receive. No conditions, no payment due in advance.
There is a catch though; if I accept God’s gift, God will change me from the inside out. I will change in ways I never knew I could. I will see more beauty in this world than I every thought possible. I will care in tangible ways. I will take time for people who are important to God. I will be different.
One can ask if it is worth the risk. One can try to reach a conclusion without ever having an experience. To be openly honest, I believe one can never reach a conclusion or judge the risk without having the personal experience.
In the experience lies the rub. Once you experience the best life offers, will you ever settle for something less? Once you have inner peace, do you want chaos? Once you quench your God thirst, will you go without Water?