When I was young, and yes it was years ago, I took confusion as a sign of weakness. Now that I am in my “wise” years I look at confusion quite differently. Confusion is actually a sign of strength, openness, and wonder. Confusion is the domain of those who potentially are growing. Confusion is at the heart of leaders, guides, and mentors. Before the paradox gets too strange, let me explain.
If my youth, and as I look around at the emerging adults of today, I knew the answers to life’s questions. I understood the challenges, difficulties, and obstacles. I was uncertain in how to respond to relationships, yet my confidence in seeing, analyzing, and taking a stance amid the options knew no limits! I had things under control. I was in command. I determined the future. Everything was possible. Everything could be taken.
Several decades later I see things quite differently. When I look around I find myself sitting exactly where the disciples of Jesus were when they “looked around at one another, wondering who on earth he [Jesus] was talking about.” (John 13.22) Do I understand everything going on around me – no! Am I in control – are you kidding? Is command within my remit – is this a serious question?
There is so much going on, always has been; nobody can possibly understand it all. Relationships are confusing, especially when it is your and my relationships. Anything is possible, everything can be achieved – and yet there is no way a single person can take on all the opportunities and challenges.
Life is about relationships. Opportunities only make sense in community – even if the community is a group of two. Challenges can be overcome, through, with, and in community. Confusion rules; one cannot grasp its complexity, yet we can conquer the confusion if we become one.
Life is confusion. Yet when we look at it through the eyes of a community which includes God; ah, everything is within sight and grasp. The welcome mat is out. Come, join God’s family. You are inside with your “yes”.
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