I am in the middle of trying to launch a company with one, possibly two partners. One is in. The other maybe in, time will tell. A hygiene factor for any company is doing the paperwork that captures the story that the founders share. This includes concept documents, projections, timelines, and most importantly an agreement on what you are trying to do. In the past, I usually ignored the last item. As I look back, I wonder at my stupidity. As important as knowing what one has agreed to should be, many do not spend the time to think about it, much less write it down.
I have enough gray hairs to realize that one can think they have agreed however it is not really an agreement until someone else affirms their agreement. With mild trepidation, I met for coffee with my co-founder. I wondered how he would respond to the idea. I keep repeating Paul’s words to myself, “If the Master agrees, we’ll have it!” (1 Corinthians 16.8)
I am relieved to write that our coffee was timely! He took one look and said, “Yes! I am glad you wrote this down. I’ll review it and let’s work to finalize it.”
Decisions that involve others are never made in a vacuum. One can impose, yet forcing one’s views on others is never a good thing. In our business, the founders need to stay focused, aim, and moving. We have different strengths and viewpoints. If we collaborate, Life reminds me that our visions will be more clear, our power greater than the sum of our parts, and we will experience community.
Consensus does not mean that we are uniform views. Consensus means that we have agreed to support each other in a specific direction.
Consensus does not take away from our individuality. Consensus builds on the strengths that diversity brings.
Consensus takes work. It also takes trust.
I imagine possibilities. They are bigger in size, scope, and beauty because of the Other. Together equals amazing things. It will not always be easy. It will be better.