Women often observe that men don’t think with their brains. This has been an observation for generations and there is truth to the statement. Men think as much with their heart and passion as they do with their intellect, maybe more so! In the harsh light of morning, as many reflect on the choices of the prior day, it is hard to deny the truth of the accusation or reflection. We do not think as we should. This is reality.
In the midst of this it is often hard to accept advice. Our control center is convinced that we know what we need! Every wife, mother, and girl friend knows otherwise, so the conversations flow. Wisdom records one exchange between a mother and a King.
“The words of King Lemuel, the strong advice his mother gave him: ‘Oh, son of mine, what can you be thinking of! Child whom I bore! The son I dedicated to God! Don’t dissipate your virility on fortune-hunting women, promiscuous women who shipwreck leaders.’” (Proverbs 31.1, 2, 3)
What can you say? Denial is not an option, every mother knows better. Not listening brings the risk of destruction on several fronts. Even ignoring the advice brings it own hell, the mind will remember at some point, even if it takes years. This advice strikes at the heart of the issue for women and men. What is our control center? Who is in charge of this ship we know as self? What is the foundation for the course we steer?
I would like to say that I have listened to Wisdom, my wife, and daughters. I would love to suggest that their collective wisdom is shown in my decisions, choices, and path. There maybe hints but the path I travel is one of my self driven making. My prayer, desire, and heart plea is that God works a miracle and adjusts the compass and gyro driving the heart and passion of my soul. Fix this and everything changes!
Today is an opportunity to center and focus. Everything rests in these moments.