Change is an integral part of life. It is as if we are sailing. We need to turn in order to get more out of the wind or reach our destination! Rarely do we always just go with the wind forever and reach the destination we anticipated. With a turn, chosen or otherwise, comes change, periods of unrest, and uncertainty. Did we make a good decision? Is this really the best thing for everyone involved? Do I really understand what just happened? What will be different in the future? Why?
I wonder if we reflect enough on the individual courses of our lives. I know it is possible to spend too much time on this subject however for most of us caught up in life today it is almost impossible. Too many different subjects, agendas, and opportunities tug for our attention. Yesterday we faced limits and barriers. Today we have multiple opportunities to spend some hard earned cash on tools, clothes, or tickets. Want to climb a mountain? Want to see or experience a place, event, or activity? Want to be something you are not? Just pulled your wallet and you are on your way!
Perhaps; but then perhaps not. Real course corrections involve change, not just more of the same in a different color. We have the opportunity to adjust the course of our lives every day, in fact in each moment. Want to be more compassionate? Seize the next opportunity, usually within minutes to exercise mercy and acceptance! Want to receive more from life? Give away a smile, accept those unacceptable, or reach out to one in need. The experience will touch you from the inside out! Want to be different? Live for others instead of for yesterday’s number one. Life will never be the same.
Today is a moment of change. I face the same challenges that you do. I offer to you my hope, there is plenty where it came from. I also offer you my blessing. “The grace of the Master Jesus be with all of you. Oh, Yes!” (Revelation 22.21)