I know individuals who believe you let life come to you. Their message is this; “Don’t worry about taking action, the action will always be at your feet.” I find the comment to be a bit na?ve and lazy. Why should anyone let the chaos of life dictate the response? Is there a reason to never engage unless the act of non-engagement is a conscious statement in and of itself? Even if the moment at hand seems overwhelming, isn’t acting the preferred choice?
There are times when I left life come. It’s good to just chill. Taking a break, letting things just be, soaking in the moment does have merits. Yet I find, through good and bad experiences, that it is a process of recharging to engage, not a way of living. One cannot live by chilling. In the contrast between being and going, resting and moving, being proactive and reacting, I find myself lost. Which is better? Is it always a balance? Is there a way to know what one should do in the moment?
Perhaps I’ve lost sight of the bigger picture. You and I are in a dance, we call it life. We have a partner, even when we’re not in touch. Our dance is with our community. Our partner is the Spirit. In this moment of seeing “this is what God told me: ‘Like a lion, king of the beasts, that gnaws and chews and worries its prey, not fazed in the least by a bunch of shepherds who arrive to chase it off, so God-of-the-Angel-Armies comes down to fight on Mount Zion, to make war from its heights. And like a huge eagle hovering in the sky, God-of-the-Angel-Armies protects Jerusalem. I'll protect and rescue it. Yes, I'll hover and deliver.’” (Isaiah 31.4, 5)
The dance is simply this. God gives you and I the opportunity to shine – bold, brightly, and with everyone watching. We are Divinity’s bride! God leads, we follow. We react to God and proactively engage in the dance of life. Today is your day and mine for music.
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