Everywhere I look it appears as if the rich get richer while the rest of us struggle for survival. I find strategies for the rich to avoid taxes, while I pay the maximum. I see techniques for the wealthy to make money even while the markets are at all-time lows. Where is the fairness in this? Even if they can afford it what happened to compassion for those who have less? If this is the present, what hope is there for the future?
It is the latter question that haunts me more than any other. What about the future? What does it hold? Is there a hierarchy of how we will be treated? I can just imagine it; saints first, old windows second, children third, and by the time my number is called God will have run out of whatever the Divine is going to distribute!
It is easy to lose sight. There are so many examples of how not to reward people; it is hard to imagine one that recognizes what individuals have done. Given God’s words about the situation there is part of me that is already rising up in frustration and anger.
“Here’s the reward I have for every conqueror, everyone who keeps at it, refusing to give up: You’ll rule the nations, your Shepherd-King rule as firm as an iron staff, their resistance fragile as clay pots. This was the gift my Father gave me; I pass it along to you—and with it, the Morning Star!” (Revelation 2.26-28)
How is this right? What if my lot was tougher than my fellow traveler’s was? Does it seem fair? And in the midst of my selfishness I find myself caught with two facts that cannot and will not change.
First, everyone who keeps at it can be a conqueror. We can all win! Second, what God rewarded Divinity with is mine – I could be receiving the same gift! It may not be “fair” in traditional terms, it is even better! All can be winners. All rewarded as God rewarded one of Divine’s own.