Fall is a wonderful time of year. The dog days of August have finally left us with crisp mornings and a sense of being alive. The trees have moved from monotone green into a glorious mess of yellows, reds, greens, and the occasion blend of purple and chocolate brown. I find myself reflecting on the year which is quickly passing, wondering if the lingering promise of the dark days of winter is a good thing or bad. Taking stock is always a good thing assuming the process leads one into a stronger position of action. Reflecting can be helpful, if one uses the process to heal and refocus towards the future. Even taking time to pause from the normal hectic pace of things can be beneficial for all when one looks towards the horizon.
Fall is also a time of change. Far too often I find myself dying without the rebirth that comes with the season. It is as if the threat made ages ago is now coming true in my life. “You'll end up like an oak tree with all its leaves falling off, like an unwatered garden, withered and brown. ‘The Big Man’ will turn out to be dead bark and twigs, and his 'work,' the spark that starts the fire that exposes man and work both as nothing but cinders and smoke.” (Isaiah 1.30, 31)
You and I do not have to allow this to happen. Fall doesn’t need to be a negative experience. Winter isn’t all gloom, darkness, and death. We can take stock and refocus. We carry a birthing opportunity within our souls, triggered by our heart’s true desire. The challenge resting in this window is simple; our souls know what our hearts truly desire. Without a truth driven “yes” nothing can or will happen.
The days are growing shorter, literally and metaphorically. We have incredible windows in which we can make a difference, for others and especially for ourselves. The question simply rests and waits. What will we make of our experience? Today is a step in our choice.
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