I enjoy being around people who enjoy food. I love listening, watching, and learning from those with a passion and skill for cooking. It’s fun to be in the presence of people who are into the methods and business of growing, harvesting, and selling food. The passion is contagious when I break bread with others who are love taking the time to live and eat slow, enjoying every aspect of the process.
Over the past few days I shared three memorable meals. The memories were unique from the very beginning, with old and new friends forming the heart and soul. It started with Trish and Tim from Nebraska linking up from three strangers, Carol, John, and myself, breaking bread, and sharing parts of their lives. The food was fantastic! The conversation varied, engaging, and insightful. I found myself learning, growing, and see life from a better viewpoint than I had at the start of the evening. What a great way to start a day of God’s blessing; five strangers meeting in an unplanned, chaotic way, coming apart and sharing community, with more than one forever touched by the experience.
The next night Whitney came to town. With a simply continuity from the night before, John and I took inspiration and began to prepare a meal for the four of us. We didn’t always know what we were doing! Every action was filled with love, compassion, and a sense of wonder about it all; and it worked! Great food with even better conversation and company.
Last night Whitney and I shared a meal with a family of three. Again the building blocks of great food and even better community created a renewed sense of oneness and hope.
I find it natural to start a new day thinking of the ingredients and choices in my life. It is good to know “God will thresh from the River Euphrates to the Brook of Egypt, and you, people of Israel, will be selected grain by grain.” (Isaiah 27.12) We are the building blocks of great food and even greater communities.
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