Yesterday I met an old friend and a new one. Additionally, I spent time with others that could grow into friendship; time will tell. The common theme with each encounter is that I am different in ways that I could not anticipate because of the experience. Friends are like that.
In my journey, a common entry point is the ease at which the friendship begins and then continues. The ease of the conversation is not automatic; it comes with tentative steps, affirming feedback, and growing experience. The content is open and honest in a way that is rarely forced and in a strange way usually positive. We seek to find common ground and values. We explore areas of interest and need. We talk about the future. We give up something to be there.
I wish I knew the details of the formula for these types of relationships. I would not want the steps and content for making money; I do see this an the best introduction to God and for quenching our thirst we carry to know, experience, and walk with Him. I find that friends remind and reintroduce each other to God in tangible ways. Sometimes it is a clear conversation about experiences with God and sightings of Him in action. On other occasions, the unconditional and free acts of acceptance make a powerful statement of the Presence.
I once believed that one could actively seek friends out, a quest or pursuit of some kind. As I am surprised and nurtured by my experiences, I find that the ways God works is often better than I could ever choose. The common mark for each instance is a personal sense of openness and wonder, nothing else.
Today is bright and fresh. To each who touches my life I offer this blessing.
“May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!” (Romans 15.13)
What you freely receive is best given away.