A friend asked me a direct question. What was the biggest difference between working for a multinational corporation and anywhere else? Was there anything that different? It was and is hard for me to answer with absolute knowledge, because I have worked for large corporations longer than I have done anything else. I do know this.
In corporate life one is only as good as your last set of goals. It doesn’t matter what happened, the question is did you achieve them? You may get a pass once but the harsh reality is that one must produce, and then produce again, and then do it all over again. Anything but results will not count. Obstacles do not matter; they just provide the backdrop for the color commentary on your success or failure.
Nobody cares if the goals were realistic. Nobody is concerned if there was appropriate support along the way. It isn’t relevant if you agreed in advance to the goals or not. The question was and it remains; did you meet or exceed the targets?
Being consistent is virtually impossible. Goals are rarely realistic. Obstacles will be the norm. Success will bring out the opposition. In case you don’t recognize these individuals; these are the ones whose purpose in life seems to be to work exclusively against everything and anything you intend on achieving!
God’s work with us isn’t that different. Yet consistently “the Life-Light was the real thing: every person entering Life he brings into Light.” (John 1.9) There is a clear gap between corporations and how I see the rest of the world measured but the gap doesn’t exist with God. Divinity takes it and then some on and delivers, day in, day out.
Today is a new beginning with new opportunities and chances to succeed and fail. I can taste the uncertainty. I can feel stress ready out and digging its long claws into my back. What is going to make this time any different from the past? The answer lies in a decision made now. Where do I place my trust?