“I’ve kept my feet on the ground, I’ve cultivated a quiet heart. Like a baby content in its mothers arms, my soul is baby content.” Psalm 131.2
It is my goal in life to be able to make a statement like the Psalmist. I cannot imagine anything better in life. By making the statement I realize that I will sound like a devoted Buddhist to many people. I do believe that the Psalmist has echoed that one goal that, when understood, measures our daily activities in context of God’s relationship to and with individuals. Let me illustrate.
One can accomplish cultivating a quiet heart in several ways that ultimately boil down into two paths. The first path focusing on learning to live in the grace of the moment, developing a strong personal sense of mindfulness, and living in respect to all things. The journey along the path is a personal one that improves as one listens and comprehends the insights gained by others ahead. Keys to success involve personal discipline, sacrifice, dedication, and the realization of one’s true inner strength. This path focused on recognizing, developing, and living out the best god that is within each individual.
The second path is similar yet quiet different. The true pursuit of this path involves a similar learning to live in the grace of the moment, development a strong sense of mindfulness, and living in respect to all things. The difference between the two path is that the focus is not within but without. One looks to a God outside of any person or living creature for strength, insights, and change. Keys to success involve a lack of personal self, giving up, and giving in. The path focuses on recognizing who God is, developing a real time awareness of God’s Spirit, and living out life in a manner where God is in control.
The first path leads to a quiet heart that still thirsts for something more.
The second path leads to a quiet heart that is content in our Mother’s arms. This is my goal’s reality.