Cherry and the girls rarely travel with me. It is not like we do not enjoy traveling together. However, I am often away on some airplane or another while they tackle life at home. Even when we are together, we are traveling on a meager budget, cutting every corner possible, and enjoying long travel queues. This trip was an exception.
I cashed in a few miles for four tickets to Athens. We traveled in economy. It is important to note however that we were on my preferred airline. The company only makes the “preferred” list because I fly enough miles each year to merit a gold card. As we walked into Terminal 4 at Heathrow Cherry was looking for the correct desk for check-in. As she spotted the Euro World Traveler desk, I gently suggested that she follow me past and around the hundreds of people waiting on line to the exclusive First Class/Concorde check-in.
“Can we do this?”
“Follow my lead.”
“May I help you sir?”
“Yes, here are my tickets and ‘gold card’.”
“This way please.”
Ten minutes later, we were waiting on security, bags checked, seat tickets perfectly in order, special meals confirmed, and the long lines still held in their frozen moment. I could see the intangible benefits of traveling with my gold card finally coming into focus.
You and I possess a special card from the Divine. Similar to my airline’s card, one often forgets that there are any privileges. We know, almost intuitively, that God would like to give us something good. It is easy to forget the details. When I remember them, I often translate the benefits into my own language. My view often misses the real benefits.
“Ignore the Word and suffer; honor God’s commands and grow rich.” (Proverbs 13.13)
If you are looking for peace, acceptance, love, assurance, and hope then look no further! God has given each of us a special card with our names individually inscribed. Each of us has an option to use, but no one can help us. The choice is ours alone.