I often wonder what the world thinks of the Christ in Christmas. Regardless of the holiday's origins, the season has little to do with Christ himself. We shop until we drop, we search for things we do not need, and we partake when we are already well past our limits. The holiday season is clearly a Disney shopping experience and it seems to be getting more that way every year.
In some ways, the idea of shopping for others is a good one. We think about others; focusing on what they would enjoy and even use. Our search, quest for some, often ends with strange and creative gifts that we hope will provide joy.
We enjoy, far more than we realize or are willing to admit, holiday music. We hum to the music playing in the malls. We sing along to songs we listen to on the radio. We even shed a tear or two watching a sentimental movie.
Giving things away to others and experiencing the joy of holiday entertainment is fine, however what do they have to do with the Christ in Christmas? It is as if we never heard or totally forgot Paul's warning. “Keep a sharp eye out for those who take bits and pieces of the teaching that you learned and then use them to make trouble.” (Romans 16.16)
I do not think my views will change the world or the future course of human history. I do think that I can do something constructive in my own life.
I will celebrate Christ in everything I do; if I cannot then I will skip that activity.
I will enjoy the relationships God gives me. This means reveling in the laughter of young children, taking time to help someone who could use a hand, and being available to those needing a willing listener.
I will focus what Christ means to me and share that with those around me.
The world and I will continue to shop. I will also take time to celebrate God's birth and awesome gift to you and me.