Knowing that something cannot be done isn’t difficult. All you need to do is ask and the reasons, logic, and rationale begin to flow. One find embedded in their words and stories the unending list of reasons one can’t win. I am reluctant to suggest that one shouldn’t listen, but there are clear example of the impossible happening become someone believed it could!
People were interested in hearing what Jesus had to say. When he rested and spoke with his disciples, people gathered. On one occasion that crowd has grown into the thousands. As the day progressed and the natural time for sharing food came, everyone struggled to find a solution. The harsh reality was true. “Two hundred silver pieces wouldn't be enough to buy bread for each person to get a piece.” (John 6.7)
There never is enough money in life to do the things we think need to be done. Great charity ideas die for lack of funding, schools struggle to exist or even get their beginnings, and governments are always seeking to raise taxes in order to pay for the next great public project. Even if there is enough money there usually are not enough people or ideas to solve the problems engulfing those who cannot defend themselves. The number of wicked problems and conundrums that confront you and I is endless.
So, the answer must be to give up, struggle along, and accept things as they are. I wonder why?
God has given us a reality where our long term needs have been prepared and made ready for us. God asks that we join the cause of Compassion, Love, and Mercy while we are alive in order to make the impossible possible in this world full of individual freedom. We can choose to make a difference! We can be lights in a myriad of lights fighting back against the darkness. We can, if we but choose. In this decision lies the impossible. We can win, succeed, and realize our created potential as we embrace God’s vision. That is our task today. Ready?