In an age where one is bombarded by images, ideas, and every expanding new boundaries; increasingly I find that my ability to be impressed is decreasing. Seeing something for the umpteenth time does not improve on the fact that you have already seen it. Experiencing a new thrill isn’t quite the same as the next time or is it? The wonder of it all shifts to something else and it is rarely a variation on the word impressive!
There is one exception. When you carefully observe life’s details, experience it for what a moment in time can be and recognize how rare, unique, and awesomely special this “something” is, no matter how frequently you see it you are impressed. How many spontaneous kisses come from a child that is thankful before one is not “impressed”? When one observes unmerited no strings attached gifts of love, I find that only that the consistent response is stunned awe and a lasting impression that one has witnessed a moment in time to be treasured. If there ever is a time when the sacrifice of one person for another is laid out for you without thought of compensation or debt, purely driven by love, I doubt that moment will ever leave.
Impressions are driven by two distinct criteria. The first is one’s observation and attention to the details. Simply put, if you are not paying attention then there is little chance that you will know what actually happened! The second is a knowledge that certain events, choices, or decisions are rare, unique, and to be treasured. I find that this knowledge is always echoed in the values and shape of one’s soul. One is not impressed by something that you do not hold precious and sacred.
God is watching you and me. To one group of people he made this statement. “I see everything you’re doing for me. Impressive! The love and the faith, the service and persistence. Yes, very impressive! You get better at it every day.” (Revelation 2.18)
Impressions reflecting God; it could also be you and me.