It had already been a hectic day, with several meetings, one after the other, each coming from a different direction, with no two players the same. As prepared as I thought I was, at this interim point in the day, the result was a sense of tiredness and emptiness. Enjoying a coffee brought the reflection and restoration I was looking for. In the pause, I realised that nothing I had gone through was unique. The day had the ingredients of awareness, collaboration, and progress. Anything was possible if I was willing to take what it gave me.
Today begins with a cup of coffee and a time of reflection. The lessons replay themselves, opening today’s window of opportunity for learning and growth through action.
My path is an echo of many before me. As unique as I think it is, when I break it down, I realise there is much to be learned from those who have gone before me. When I slow down and open myself up to listening and reading, I discover that wisdom endures across generations, cultures, and contexts. What may seem difficult and challenging can be helpful. In the quietness, I could hear a writer’s observation from long ago; “Though he was God’s Son, he learned trusting-obedience by what he suffered, just as we do.” (Hebrews 5.8)
My journey was never as isolated as I thought it was at the time. Looking forward, I see an opening to embrace life’s whispers, the words of others carried in my memory, and even the words and actions of a stranger. By being ready and knowing what is helpful and less so, I can act with the support of those who have gone before me. I know I am not alone. I am part of a family and a community driven by kindness and care.
Experiencing kindness in all its forms is food for my heart and soul. I rediscovered that in the moment kindness is alive, everything within me is energised. Hope is alive. Fortitude is reborn. Purpose is restored. Today is my time.