We go into situations with a bias or inner agenda. We do not necessarily recognize or even thing about it – however, it is as real as life itself. Sometimes we begin to recognize it after the fact, like a trend that is developing and taking a long time for the obvious to become clear!
As I tackle the third phase of my work assignment, I am beginning to see the foundation for my personal roadmap. The good news is that through this process we are achieving the corporation's goals (I recognize that this does not always happen). I now face several questions. Do I actually recognize what I want out of a given situation? Am I taking the type of actions that will help me towards my goal? Do I evaluate and question the outcomes? Am I looking to take fresh decisions that will improve things on the next round?
Knowing and understanding one's agenda sounds like I am trying to discover the inner self. It some ways this is true, however the process is not difficult. It comes when one reflects on the choices made during the day and contrasts them with your values and priorities. The difference in your alignment will begin to give you insights into your soul's real value system. If you need and want corrective change, the solution comes in focusing on your values and the process of making decisions, not the decisions themselves!
In my case, I want to know God better. The answer comes in spending time listening to God, especially through meditative reading of God's Bible. God uses this to change me from the inside out and provides a foundation for my decisions and inner agenda. “My text has been, 'Those who were never told of him – they'll see him! Those who've never heard of him – they'll get the message!'” (Romans 15.21) I find that the more I spend time with him the more effective my decision making process becomes.
Take time to examine your agenda and values. Your very soul depends on it.