Several conversations over the past few days continue to haunt me. In each circumstance the person expressing a viewpoint had no idea of how the words were being received. The words were not bad, nor were they intended to cause deep thought, reflection, or contemplation, yet that is exactly what happened! A young child and two adults fighting to survive in life provided amazing insight into my personal journey that help me see myself and God more clearly. I know that they did not know, see, or even after that fact would believe that their words triggered this type of reaction. I do know that the results speak for themselves.
Two observations. First, why did the insights arrive on a plate for my consumption from such an unlikely source? Second, what are the implications, now and in the future?
Our mutual standing and dialogue with God is a fact that each of us find easy to overlook and underestimate. We all stand equal in the sight of God. We are equally as precious to God. Individually we have amazing potential to make a difference which when combined with others in united purpose can and will change the world.
The “we” and “us” these statements encompass every human being. No one is exempt, no one excluded. Isaiah and Paul documented God view of this quite clearly. “People found and welcomed me [God] who never so much as looked for me. And I found and welcomed people who had never even asked about me.” (Romans 10.20)
We are all clearly on a journey together. God uses any and everyone to help others in the journey understand His love, acceptance, and the unlimited value He places in us. We often find this difficult to believe; however, the facts are the facts. God views each of us in the same light and for the same reasons. God see us wrapped in Jesus unless we choose to go it on our own and God loves us unconditionally because He gave up his Son to make our relationship with Him possible.