The pool was serene. The reflections on the still water spoke to the sunset unfolding and the time of darkness that would follow. I felt an invitation to be fully in the moment. If I had a swimsuit, I might have indulged. As it was, I stilled my heart and mind. In the fading reflection, I listened to life’s reflective whispers, questioning, guiding, and leaving me with insights for my day to come.
Knowing what is coming does not change the question, “What will you do in this moment?” I was certain that the day was fading and night was coming. This knowledge invited me to think of the other certainties in my life. I am certain of the loves in my life. They have stood tall in the tests of time. I am certain of the friendships in my life. They have been with me, taken me for walks when I was in need, and guided my path. Knowing this with my heart has opened the door to a soulful response to the moment. I hear the calling for my best, always.
Knowing does change my response in the dark moments of the soul. In the deepest part of who I am, I know I am accepted and belong. This knowledge changes my response to decisions requiring trust. In this awareness, I find courage to act in faith. In the darkest decisions, when challenged to respond to evil with love, I find myself following the example set by Abram with his willingness to let Isaac go “after he had already been told, “Your descendants shall come from Isaac.”” (Hebrews 11.18)
Knowing what is coming usually amplifies its impact, good or bad. In the battles, I tighten my belt and buckle in. I know the future will be difficult and painful. I cannot change anything that is coming. I can prepare for it with a heart filled by the experience of being with Divinity. I go into battle knowing that this is not the final chapter. There is one to follow – beautiful and full of hope.