The quest seemed like a simple one. Find and purchase some food safe oil for a shop projects. I was making a cutting board. The dry ash soaked up far more oil than I thought possible. While I had enough for the immediate, there was very little left for any future need. As I began the search, I was relaxed and optimistic. It was a simple task. Other than the one requirement, I was completely flexible. Given that I only use this product when I am making something to be used, price was not a major consideration.
I had no idea how long this quest would take. Home Depot, Lowe’s, and a wide variety of hardware and paint/finish supply stores later, I was beginning to think that I was on a fool’s journey. Then I remembered what I had heart. There was a wood tools and product store back near the beginning of my quest! Maybe, just maybe, they would have something.
Five minutes after arriving, I walked out with three different types of food compatible finishing oil. The customer service people knew their products. They explained how they used them, directly relating their work to mine. It was so easy.
The wisdom of others has been a guide across the centuries. One wisdom father notes his approach in a new city. “On the Sabbath, we left the city and went down along the river where we had heard there was to be a prayer meeting. We took our place with the women who had gathered there and talked with them.” (Acts 16.13)
As I struggle with my conundrums today, I know I do not want to go on a foolish quest. As I open myself up to the views and thoughts of those walking with me, I find myself seeing more than I was. Their words and wisdom are priceless gifts already within my grasp! The only barriers are the ones I construct within my mind.
As I begin to listen, I also hear life whispering. God uses everything and everyone as teachers and guides.