In the darkness before dawn, the glow of the light dominates the darkness. I believe light will come. It will take time. I will need to be patient. I know the morning’s light will come. For now, I sit, stretching in hope for what will be. The irony of my choice is not lost on me. Metaphorical darkness is everywhere in my life. Uncertainty about one thing, fear about another, and doubts everywhere. It is easier to focus on the darkness and everything that comes with it than to turn towards the light.
Living is an opportunity. There are many choices. Life is also described as a calling, responsibility, demand, obligation, and many other words that extract something from us. The starting point for me is the choice one has with life. You and I have the power to choose what our lives will be. Many of our natural life goals can be included in this choice – happiness, peace, and belonging. Even our view of Divinity comes into play. The invitation to go positive has existed across the generations. “Let’s take our place outside with Jesus, no longer pouring out the sacrificial blood of animals but pouring out sacrificial praises from our lips to God in Jesus’ name.” (Hebrews 13.15)
Living takes time and engagement. In my younger days, I wanted to be older. I wished time could be swallowed like a pill, and I would emerge wiser, experienced, and free. It took a lifetime to appreciate that there are no shortcuts. Life and living are revealed one step at a time, slowly and, with hindsight, at the fastest pace I can handle. After decades, I am marginally more patient. Emphasis on the word marginally! Life’s whispers call me to take a deep breath, centre my heart and soul, and let the breath go slowly. When I do, I see the light is on the way, and hope is here.Light is within and without. The dawn marks a new day as the lamp reminds me it is coming. My life can be a working lamp.