I enjoy food and sharing it with friends. The enjoyment doesn’t come in just one way; there is an incredible range of settings that work. One can invite friends over for some handmade ice-cream on a Sunday afternoon. This easily becomes a fantastic moment of reflection and recharging one’s batteries. If you add some Wimbledon strawberries to the mix and the occasional English sun you have the setting for something truly magical. If you could join us for our weekly family lunch you would have fun as well. It is a tradition with no formal beginning, we just enjoyed taking the time and so it has evolved into something automatically mandatory!
At the other end of the spectrum, something I least enjoy, is eating at work. Frankly figuring out what I need for lunch is beyond not interesting, it is boring. The big exception to my work dilemma is when I carve out time to spend with friends. It could be a bit of Japanese with a good friend or a recent convert to the cuisine has become a rescue in the midst of an otherwise troubling moment in the day. Another example was a moment yesterday. Every element was there; brief moments of sunshine, great conversation, a surrounding that is friendly and safe, art that triggers reflection and a sense of positive energy, and great food. I found myself walking away energized, enthused, and ready to face the world!
Yesterday’s lunch was a maximum experience; fantastic!
Imagine you and I getting our spiritual food the same way. We don’t have the luxury of days of old. It isn’t like “When he [Jesus] got to the other side, he climbed a hill and sat down, surrounded by his disciples [you and I].” (John 6.3)
Things today seem very different. Are they?
I find God is as accessible as often as I realize. I find God speaking as often as I listen. I find God leading my life as often as I am willing.
Today I am open, listening, and willing. It is time for a feast!