I grew up believing red and green meant stop, go, or Christmas. When together, the two words had no other meaning. I looked at the two mailboxes side by side and discovered a third. The colours were clear, unambiguous, and easy to discern. I could not imagine anyone describing them in words other than the two colours. I smiled at the limits of what I had been taught, hearing an echo of an old observation; “What I’ve finally concluded is that so-called wisdom and knowledge are mindless and witless – nothing but spitting into the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 1:17)
Wisdom is not the same as truth. It is interesting to think of the times I have stepped forward in wisdom only to fall flat as a result. I was so sure that my insights and knowledge were truth that I did not hesitate. In hindsight, a bit of reflection, an openness to searching, and the willingness to listen to trusted individuals was my blind spot. I see my confidence wrapped up in wisdom and coming to life as arrogance. Wisdom has a place. It is right near the top of my trusted sources. Life whispers a reminder; wisdom is not the same as truth.
Wisdom and knowledge grow and evolve. My childhood knowledge changed as I embraced my identity as a teenager. My wisdom and knowledge in those years grew with experience, failures, and success. I look back and see wisdom at each stage as appropriate for my age, with the potential to expand and grow. The risk I fell into for a time was the idea that it was complete. Fortunately, life gave me several experiences that knocked me off my self-made pedestal. In searching for meaning, I questioned my knowledge, challenged my wisdom, and opened myself up to an endless journey of learning and growth over time.
Wisdom grows stronger with collaboration. When I partner with Divinity and trusted individuals, the wisdom at my disposal strengthens and expands. It has meaning. When used with truth, it has power. Today I will put it to use.