Everyone needs answers. Proportionally to one’s desires or fears the desperation to get, have, or source the answer changes. Some of our needs for answers comes and goes without every being resolved and we are just fine with the unresolved question. On other occasions the question lingers, and the desire for truth grows silently unrequited.
I needed answers. The scene was completely unfamiliar. I don’t know that I could have ever prepared for it. Now that I was here I knew inside and out, completely and without a doubt, that I had no clue of what was going on or where I should go next. So I asked for advice. I probably should have gone to more than one destination but I always worry about other’s understanding of where we are, I am, and if I can reasonably understand their words in context so I can hear and act. Needing answers is one thing, being able to do something with the answers is as or more important!
My questions and conundrum is not unique. In all situations across the ages people find themselves confused. Even John records what can happen when people are lost in the light of day. “Exasperated, they said, ‘Who, then? We need an answer for those who sent us. Tell us something—anything!—about yourself.’” (John 1.22)
Yet the questions remain and we need answers!
Here are three observations I give to you.
First, receiving answers requires that we are open. Asking isn’t enough. Being willing to hear with an open heart and mind is crucial.
Second, answers don’t always arrive when we expect or when we think we need them. Exercise patience. God knows what you need and the Spirit will provide in the right time, assuming you are open, willing, and ready.
Third, be prepared to look at life differently. In the middle of confusion one always thinks they understand. You don’t, neither do I. Advice is priceless, yet it is a waste if it sits idle. Trust the source? Then use without hesitation.
God provides for all needs.