A decade ago, our paths crossed. I vividly remember my reactions at the time. I was working with someone that had unfathomable potential. His listening skills were extraordinary. His ability to focus on the key question at hand was eerie. He had a natural ability to translate what he heard into action.
In the years since, our paths have occasionally come together. Each intersection confirmed my initial reaction. Yet life has not gone as either of us imagined. Broken relationships, being abandoned in a dead end role in a remote location, and walking alone were harsh realities. The attempt to reconnect with his past was a harsh lesson in how the miles in our lives change us in ways we could not anticipate.
I was certain the strengths I had seen would carry him through, but doubts prevailed.
As I read a story, it was as if Paul was describing our lives today. “‘There’s life in him yet.’ Then Paul got up and served the Master’s Supper. And went on telling stories of the faith until dawn!” (Acts 20.11)
We will meet again tomorrow. The distance has come full circle. We are working together again. Our lives intertwined. Our paths are shared in common.
I anticipate more suppers to come. I know there are stories of faith we will share, even as we write new ones. The potential is incredible. I am certain because of the character I originally met on that wet English morning ten years ago.
As I close my eyes and let my imagination go, I find myself seeing faces of those I have long forgotten. The list of locations seems endless. As I wonder from Pune to Bangalore and onto Singapore, Portland, and San Francisco, I realize that I am just beginning to appreciate the way others have changed by life. In weakness, they shared wisdom. In failing, they provided guidance. Even in blindness, their insights provided priceless light.
A new chapter begins. I know the best outline; we will share stories of faith and hope until we can tell no more.