Knowing exactly what to do is the specific and confident thing we always search for in a decision. We search but rarely do we find our answer with 100% confidence. We pursue the absolute and settle for something reasonable. Over time we learn that perfection and complete assurance of the next step in any decision is always relative to the information we know, choices we can imagine, and discipline we can employ. Maturity, i.e. age, develops in most a mild cynicism that nothing is perfect, fog prevails at every corner, and a reasonable choice is the best that life can and will offer.
I want to live, really live life to the fullest and maximum potential possible. I want everything! I want perfection and the top rung on the ladder I climb. I am not willing to settle for anything less, especially when it comes to my personal journey! Facing these questions has brought two key choices to the center of my path.
Where does God fit in my plans?
What is my next step?
One must decide about God before proceeding. Is the God within my true god to drive everything that follows? Is the God without, the awesome power associated with Jesus Christ, the God I seek? You and I have both decided in times past that it is the God without that holds all the keys to everything good. The uncertainty that surfaces quietly each day is that priority that we place on that choice. Do we really want God front and center? If so what is the step for today?
The question is relevant and critical. What am I going to do? If God is really good news, if He gives us something unconditionally full of grace, then there is only one answer.
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.” (Romans 12.1)