In the quietness of the morning, usually in that five to six am range, it is almost too easy to feel along, totally and absolutely alone. The world, on all fronts, is quiet. The neighborhood stands perfectly still except for the flutter here and there of birds responding to the emerging light. The streets have a few vehicles on them but it seems that everyone is in quiet mode. I know it isn’t this way everywhere. I remember that the work day in New York’s fish market is nearing its end, with boisterous comments and stress laden screams while the remaining boxes of fish are moving towards their trucks.
In the busyness and in the stillness one can find their “self” isolated, often tired, and carrying a load best described being alone. The burden and sense of being doesn’t change just because one claims to be a follower of God. Regardless of one’s view of God and what this means, life has moments of being very still, quiet, and deserted. In the hustle of trying to survive it is hard to believe that many know what it is to have a relationship with the God of love, mercy, and acceptance. Not many seem to even have an idea that God exists and even fewer seem to understand or value what a relationship could mean. The depressing wonder is if you or I are alone in our view.
The answer is there. John saw the future and recorded the scene. I find it encouraging that it isn’t just a select few that come to worship God. “Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, join in, all voices in all places, singing: ‘To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb! The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength, for age after age after age.’” (Revelation 5.13)
This sounds like a party! There are people, lots and lots of people and creatures celebrating! They believe. They know and have embraced the faith I have in God. You and I are not alone.