There is something magical when you know someone is on your side, especially when you know that there are no reasons other than friendship. In the chaos and demands of life, I often forget this truth. In an extended period of forgetfulness, a SMS caught me by surprise, striking my heart and soul.
“How are you? I haven’t heard from you in awhile. I want to make sure you are ok.”
As we exchanged text messages on the recent past, events, challenges, and dreams, I realized that this friend has always been on my side. I cannot remember an occasion where he did anything negative, unless you call being overwhelmed by life and unable to respond to my notes quickly a negative. While he is quite human, I am struck in my morning reflection that in his best moments he models the experience I have with Divinity when I pay attention. Through his actions, I find myself rediscovering the values what I hold deep within myself.
Caring always focuses on the person and the greater story. Even though the expression is focused, specific to a situation and need, there is always a context to it. It is as if the plotlines have already been written. You are important. You are part of a community that is interested and cares about you. Others need your help and insight.
Just because one party fails to act or do something, it does not need to follow that the other party should also fail. Gifts are gifts. Said another way, they are one-sided events that become priceless as they are released without expectation of anything in return. Every act of friendship is a gift in the best way.
There is never a bad time to express one’s sense of caring, compassion, and love. Each time one does, hope is born. Even though the other may not be able to hear it, Life reminds me that it will be felt and experienced.
David summed it up well; “Blessed is God, Israel’s God, always, always, always. Yes. Yes. Yes.” (Psalm 41.13)