Dean and I talked about our mutual friend and a new job he has decided to pursue. Dean does not like the new organization. He thinks the organization is inherently political and self serving. His view extends to the new management team. The leader is fickle; a view expressed today will not necessarily stand the test of time. The team is predatory, often to the detriment of potential group success.
I have a different perspective. Our friend is passionate about life and his work. He works hard, taking the right course of action more often than not. His intensity dominates everything aspect of his work. He studies hard, wanting to know the detail. He works hard, because that is what needs to be done. He cares. He is accountable. Even in his mistakes, he is working to learn.
I believe truth filled passion trumps bad politics. Candidly, bad politics exists in every organization. I know from experience that some organization have more bad politics than others. I understand the evil often threatens to destroy the work of those with the right hearts. In the short term, politics can extract a horrible price from everyone involved. In time, passionate truth comes to the attention of anyone willing to listen. Along the way, passionate people will disagree.
I am not the first to observe this. Even when there were only two, good friends can disagree. In one case, “tempers flared, and they ended up going their separate ways: Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus; Paul chose Silas and, offered up by their friends to the grace of the Master, went to Syria and Cilicia to build up muscle and sinew in those congregations.” (Acts 15.39-41) It would be easy to conclude that this was the end of the world, yet each succeeded in his mission.
You and I cannot solve the politics of a group. A group is what a group is. We can control our actions within the community. We can demonstrate our passion for excellence. We can be intensely compassionate. We can make the difference.
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