The conversation with a friend was still echoing within me as I looked up at the building’s reflection. I could feel the reflection in the centre heart of the building echoing the feelings I had within me. In the soft clouds and afternoon warmth, the sense of being supported by another was tangibly strong. Paraphrasing the sum of our conversation echoes Paul’s words of long ago; “Personally, I’ve been completely satisfied with who you are and what you are doing. You seem to me to be well-motivated and well-instructed, quite capable of guiding and advising one another.” (Romans 15.14)
The gift I received that day replayed itself in the morning light of a new day. I can hear life whispering, calling me to action.
Acceptance, unconditional, without reservation, expressed, is a foundation I want to stand on. It permits me to act in the knowledge that I have a safety net beneath me. When expressed, it offers a shared lifeline of support and encouragement to those who hear as well as those who speak.
Belonging, experiential and emotional, comes with trust. For me, it is closely linked to acceptance. I belong in relationships where I know I am accepted and embraced. I trust what follows, which in turn creates opportunities for new insights, greater awareness, and opportunities to grow. I can see the trace marks of love in my life, delivered in spaces where I know I belong. In the writings on my heart, I find inspiration to write on the hearts of others.
Life is a dance, with the partner of one’s choice. I wanted the clouds to dance in the reflection on the heart of the building, and silently revelled in the sway and rhythm revealed in the movement. It was a metaphorical model that is playing through the call to action. I want my partner to be described as kind and caring. In leading with this, we can dance into action, gifting those around us with hope. Today is my opportunity to lead others in a chorus line toward a better future.