You and I live in a new age. Life is seemingly getting faster and faster. I grew up in an age when telephone party lines were norm. Now we chat at will to people 12 times zones away. It was an extreme to consider flying to my new home at the age of ten when going by a large ship was still an option. What took months then now is an option for a long weekend break.
For most, myself included, there is no past memory. Although I remember the fun I had as a young boy listening to others chat on the telephone, I do not remember when I reach for my mobile. I know life is different. I see and touch the difference. I am blissfully ignorant into the sweat and broken lives that went into making the transition from then to now.
History reminds us that tyranny has often dominated our societies. Our forefathers lived without the opportunity to know freedom. It simply was not an option! Our world is filled with examples of opportunity without limits. Although it is not universal, there are pockets where individuals can live their lives in the hope of making a difference to those around them.
To get to where we are, faceless individuals sacrificed their relationships and the opportunity to live without pain. Many went on to the ultimate price. As I look back at what could have been, I find myself embarrassed at what I have because of them. Evil had the opportunity to win. To each that put her or his life on the life, thank-you! Thank-you to those standing behind the warrior making a life changing sacrifice. Because of what you have done, I know the reality of David’s words; “Before you know it, the wicked will have had it; you’ll stare at his once famous place and – nothing!” (Psalm 37.10)
As I think of the price paid, I see evil in a different light. I hear the call to stand up and fight for a community filled with care and compassion.