During the past seven years English rain has begun to cling to my heart and soul. I still prefer sunshine, warmth, and blue skies, but I miss the rain if it remains absent too long. I have gone to appreciate just how integral rain is to being able to see life fully and completely. I know my logic my sound like it has gone sour, so hear me out.
On bright sunny days, everything seems possible. Life reflects the sunshine, full of energy, warmth, and opportunities! Everything is possible. Anything can and should be done. As long as the supplies last, we can do what cannot be done. Pain and sorrow hide behind the bright light mirage. Confusion seems to be on holiday given one’s ability to see for miles. Even doubt disappears underneath the bright sugar coating of possibilities. It is real, or is it.
England is blessed with the ability to have three and even four seasons in a single day. Initially I found it deeply disturbing. It was as if fate had decided to wreck havoc on my wardrobe! With bright sun I go to work without an umbrella; bad mistake. Given the wind and rain an overcoat seemed appropriate; anything resembling a coat on the tube is simply a recipe for a living sauna. Yet there is more to the weather than simple comfort. The variety gives reason for pause and reflection. It is in these moments that one has the opportunity to see what is all around her or him. The sight is often not pretty. It can reflect every doubt, confusion, and pain hiding in the deepest recesses of our souls. But it is real.
In reality, if we muster the courage to see it through, we find Divinity quietly waiting. It is as if Divinity has used the rain to say, “I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world.” (John 16.33) Courage.
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