The diffuser has seen better days. It has been broken more than once. It was shattered, ready to be tossed. I hesitated for a long time. Something about it called me to try to put it back together, to recreate something out of what was. That was over a year ago. It sits quietly, ready to work. The past is behind us. Cracks and scars speak to what has been. There is something unique about its appearance that keeps bringing me back to the potential within all of us.
Life is hard. As good as the highs are, the lows are always hiding out within the edges of my memories. I see the pain others are going through, and I wish I could take it all away. I know I cannot. I can care enough to be there, to support where help is welcomed. Amidst it all, I hear the old cry as if it were my own. “Pray for us. We have no doubts about what we’re doing or why, but it’s hard going and we need your prayers. All we care about is living well before God.” (Hebrews 13.18)
Opportunities can be as fuzzy as they are clear. I remember when I started to try and put the pieces together. Initially, I wanted to see a path from start to finish. With time and lots of false starts, I let go of this starting point. As I began to build on what I could, taking one step, resting, and then another, I discovered I could see far more than I had realised at the beginning. My visualisation of the possible took many forms, all restoring and recreating in a way that was true to the beginning and yet more. I have come to appreciate Divinity’s patience with me, supporting me as I take a step, pause, and then try again. I am in control of my restoration and recreation.
I am called to action. The question then and now is the same. What will I do with who I am and what I know?