I woke to a wonderful scene; crisp snow and sun everywhere I looked. From the mountains around me to the rooftops and streets in the small village, there was a sparkle of sunlight dancing throughout the scene. The morning trip to the natural hot springs was a treat that I wish I could experience every day! The waters carry high amounts of minerals and ions. They are known for the healing properties. Experience suggests that they do work. In my case, from the scrapes on my arm right through to my heart.
As I stepped into the breakfast room, I was greeted with the first course, prepared and waiting for me. As more courses came and I went from moderately hungry to stuffed, my mind began to focus on the reservation problem that had yet to be resolved. Mentally I knew that it was beyond my control. Intellectually I understood that the innkeeper had given me her assurances that she would take care of the problem. By this time I had figured out that she was one of the owners, but this knowledge did little to quell the fears, uncertainties, and doubts that refused to leave my mind.
I left my packed bags in the room hoping beyond hope that a resolution was possible. There was no evidence I could find for my optimism, but I wanted to be optimistic anyways. My uncertainty seemed to exponentially grow with every step towards the lobby.
As I waited in silence, the peace from the mountains draped in white seemed to permeate the fibers of my being. I could hear David’s words in a whisper, “Call for help when you’re in trouble – I’ll help you, and you’ll honor me.”” (Psalm 50.15)
The innkeeper’s voice interrupted my meditation, “I hoped you slept well. As promised, we have found a solution to our problem. I hope you do not mind, but we will need to change your room while you are visiting the snow monkeys. I hope you find it satisfactory.”
Bubbles of fear, uncertainty, and doubt vanished with resolution.