Sometimes I just don’t get it. I know, in hindsight, that the obvious was obvious, but at the times it seemed so illusive. As I reflect on days gone by I have been extremely fortunate. No because I was either wise or full of insights. Life was very different. At times I was and am extraordinarily blind. I did not even realize I could not see. My senses were numb, unable to comprehend. In these moments friends came to the rescue. They held me accountable. They asked the tough questions. They pushed me, sometimes gently and on other occasions less so, into a moment of reflection and clarity. Thank God for their willingness to be complete friends! Because of their efforts I was able to grasp the hand of potential resolution.
Yet I often find myself pushing others away. I know where I am going! I understand the issues and potential roadblocks. I am I charge.
I am so blind, ignorant, and dumb. We all are in our own way. The question is not of our capabilities within, rather in our willingness without. The problem is simply this. If we are unable to recognize our limitations, accept our weaknesses, and understand our state of being, then the harsh reality is “a sorry sight you'll be then, huddled with the prisoners, or just some corpses stacked in the street. Even after all this, God is still angry, his fist still raised, ready to hit them again.” (Isaiah 10.4) God cares, we often don’t. God will do whatever is needed to bring understanding, yet we continue to resist. God is consistently passionate about compassion and love. We often look in other directions.
It is easy to forget how we hold new beginnings within. God is going to be here, regardless of our state of mind or being. The question is our intent. Will we take advantage of the dawn to hold a new beginning? Will we accept the Spirit’s offer? Will we look at life and our self through God’s eyes? In our answer comes resolution to questions.
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