Results, especially when one remembers how tings were before as well as how they were achieved against odds, obstacles, and barriers, can trigger unpredictable outcomes. It is as if nobody really believed reality now present was ever possible. You have the before and after which in theory cannot be disputed. Yet it still doesn’t make the results more believable. One can evidence the processes, steps, and procedures, but this will never convert everyone. Even the unbiased and irrefutable testimony of witnesses before and after will not convince the skeptics. There are some, often those who are involved in leadership, who know the result just could not be done!
In spite of the evidence, with all the difficulties and challenges, amazing stories of achieving the goal are often true. As I search and examine the stories I find a common thread that forces me to rethink how I approach today. Amazing results usually come through a team; people and forces coming together to achieve uncommon results. As I read the stories though it is clear that not everyone believed success was possible. Often it the vision of what could be rests with just one person. It is as if only one believed and everything became possible!
I have challenged this theory and looked to those involved in achieving the impossible. Rarely did more than a handful truly believe. Teams always caught the vision and were willing to walk in the faith and trust they had placed in those with the vision. Even in the old stories the scene has been replayed again and again. When Jesus healed the blind man, “The Pharisees grilled him again on how he had come to see. He said, ‘He put a clay paste on my eyes, and I washed, and now I see.’” (John 9.15) There was just one who believed with one who had faith.
Today can be a result. You and I can be visionaries or believers. If we are, then amazing things can happen! We can make a difference. Opportunities are everywhere. The only question is you, me.
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