I recently met an educated, powerful, and well-rewarded individual who believes he is under attack. While I am not sure about his initial impressions, I am reasonably sure he does not currently see me as the enemy. As I listen to his story, the images of the enemies surrounding him are starting to take shape. The siege mentality is obvious. His body language, style of communicating, and subjects the is willing to discuss all pointed to a man that has had to marshal every defense within reach.
As my understanding has increase, so has my realization that I am seeing an echo of myself in the mirror. I have been where he is. I have a good sense of what he is thinking by his action. Candidly, “he thinks God has dumped him, he’s sure that God is indifferent to his plight.” (Psalm 10.11) life has taken a twisted turn that while unfair is always painful and uncertain. It is unclear who, if anyone, is really on his side. The signals around him are sharing what he can see as well as what he is blind to.
In my conversations, I am trying to deliver a message. I realize it is for myself as much as it is for anyone else.
One is never alone. As dark and stormy as things might seem, there are always others waiting and wanting to help you. You may not see them. You may not be sure you trust them. That is not the point. They, including Divinity, are with you.
One cannot do whatever one is trying to do by her/himself. Life will, at some point, overwhelm every individual. Together, especially with Divinity in the embrace, we can do what appears impossible.
It is hard to see clearly in a storm. Fear, uncertainties, and doubts grow in the presence of pain, anguish, and frustration. The combination easily blinds, even when one traditionally has perfect vision. Instruments (disciplines), reference points, and the insight (wisdom) from others is required if we are to see clearly.
I can see clearly now…