Truth filled music is magical. It does something quietly mysterious, without conscious invitation or contribution by those involved. As one performs, in the act of listening, the embedded truth found in the notes and lyrics resolutely transforms everyone that hears. I find the process to be a living miracle. The miracle does not stop with sounds. It extends into and through the act of handwriting truth words. The obvious common denominator to both acts is truth. Truth’s inherent power changes those touched from the inside out, an action that only God can take and make.
The simple process found in truth is often lost in life’s chaos. I find myself caught in the reflection of a particular artist, renewing the energy in my soul by simply listening. I find the process cathartic, yet I wonder if I have inherently twisted a type of worship into something selfish. A question of old haunts my path. “Who out there fears God, actually listens to the voice of his servant? For anyone out there who doesn't know where you're going, anyone groping in the dark, here's what: Trust in God. Lean on your God!” (Isaiah 50.10)
Too often, I find the interpretation of the question and answer to be an excuse for imposing one’s perspective, value, and priorities on another. I find no support for this perspective in Wisdom’s writings. I do find an invitation to share each other’s burdens, enjoy what life gives to each, and even learn from each other. The process of living is serious business, but not how we often expect.
God is integral to your life and mine. The Spirit is involved, in your life and mine. This means that your community and mine are intertwined through Divinity, no matter what we think separate us. This means we are on the same side, even in our differences. The question we face today is ultimately not about our fears, uncertainties, or doubts. The question is living; it is time to deeply, really, and fully live. Everything is possible, with God, you, and me on side.
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