Simple things can be very difficult to accept, understand, and live with. Often I find myself grabbling and struggling with a concept or fact that I fully, completely, and thoroughly know to be truth. The struggling lies in what the truth means in the rest of my life. The ripples cannot be true! The logical conclusion just isn’t. The connection between the facts must be different from what I know otherwise.
Carli is a high school graduate, eighteen years old, holder of a life-time British driver’s license, and by all accounts is an adult. Everything listed, as well as hundreds of supporting pieces of data, confirm that she is an adult. This cannot be!
Yes, I know that she graduated with honors. She is intelligent in ways that I do not even understand but this fact doesn’t mean that I need to treat her with the respect that she has earned. Yes, I know that she has a strong track record of making responsible decisions. Does this mean that I need to truly let go? Yes, I understand that she has past the age where friends in high school were making life decisions such as marriage. Could she even be considering the same questions I wanted to be my own at this age?
Simple facts that I know on one level and accept. The acceptance comes with a caveat; I find it very difficult to let my little girl be who she already is!
My confusion doesn’t end here. I know God words are true. “I'm telling you the most solemn and sober truth now: Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life.” (John 6.47) Knowing and letting God be God while living life is problematic! I want to be god. I want to be in charge. I’m #1. God love and the outcome of my belief in God are simple facts that I know and accept; but.
Today is the first day after. Today I can may difficult things a reality, one step at a time, with God and with Carli.
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