It is easy to be critical. Most find it fund to be sarcastic. Ridicule is a natural way of defending one’s self and pushing your “self” to the top. Beyond being critical, it is also fairly easy to point out all the weaknesses, gaps, and areas where things could be done better. The challenge lies in articulating and practicing the solution.
Watching the political process grind it way through an issue is a lesson in how we often do things. We are slow to admit that there is a problem. Once we admit the obvious, we the look through glasses that reflect anything but reality. As we look and try to get to the bottom of the problem of the “issue” we often look to experts in fields with no demonstrated case of hope, truth, or success. Gaps in logic are often accepted with ease, personal agendas of those giving us expert advice or help are ignored, and simple answers or explanations pushed aside for something complex or sexy. There is little chance of seeing or accepting anything that might actually work!
Before I fall into the “criticism” trap, I believe I know the answer for the questions and conundrums that life has given both of us. The answer is this: “the Throne of God and of the Lamb is at the center.” (Revelation 22.3) Before we accept this remember the facts. God’s agenda is to give us peace, happiness, and hope. God’s track record speaks of success through adversity, perseverance through the worst that life can give anyone, and consistency. If there was any doubt one can look to the things that others accuse him of; giving away love instead of judgment, living life for others instead of Divinity, and of trying to limit freedom of choice.
I find that each accusation is part of my answer. I desperately want mercy not justice. I passionately want someone living for others, including myself, instead of being self centric. I want to enjoy my freedom. In short, I want God to be my center and the solution!