I was starting a period of reflection on the eve of a milestone day. I knew it would last for a few days; looking back to consider the milestones and outcomes across the years. As I walked through the night, a storefront sign captured what I was going on within, looking at soul snaps of my life. I have several indexes to my memories; defining moments, emotional highs and lows, reaching achievements only to realise that I wanted more, events that critically involved others, and moments where I heard or saw Divinity saying that my time had not yet come.
The contemplation was random. I looked for patterns or links. Finding none other than myself, I let Life’s whispers guide me through the replays in my mind. Divinity finds a way to use everything for my advantage; painful members have become moments where hope dominates, monumental events were stories bigger than myself, and one never knows where a step might lead.
Life’s most incredible events involve awe, beauty, and love. “Oh, I did great things: built houses, planted vineyards,” (Ecclesiastes 2:4) yet these did not make my top 10. My top 10 were dominated by outcomes where I could support another’s achievement to something s/he did not think possible. It was then that I was at my best and the unimaginable became tangibly real, for both of us! Thank you to every individual who has given me a trusted seat next to them in a sacred place within themselves.
Life is bigger than any moment and yet is defined by each. A writer reminds me, it is in the unguarded moments, when nobody is watching, that one reveals one’s soul (Dick Winn paraphrased). We write the truth of our stories in these moments. My life has been written with passion, conviction, and abandonment. One could take great moments, and those less so, to reach a false conclusion because one cannot see another’s heart.
With each breath, one creates another snap. Today’s series will be a fun experiment in putting thankfulness, compassion, and care into action.