Giving credit where credit is due is not always easy, even when it is obvious.
As I think of credit, I think of claiming the glory. When a kid yells watch me, s/he is trying to ensure everyone knows who deserves the credit for the outrageous deed. The natural reaction when one’s efforts are not recognized in the way that one thinks they should be does not get easier with age. Frustration and anger are just the beginning of the emotions taking a toll from our heart and our physical bodies
I recently rediscovered the same emotions arrive when one receives credit where none is due. In response to a question, I provided a candid answer. Since the question was simple and personal, I am very confident that my answer was the same as I recall. Two days later, when everything did not work, I was credited with providing misleading information!
From the emotions that instantly exploded, I recognized my scream actions in reaction to credit for something I did not deserve. I was annoyed, defensive, and curt. As I look back, it they were odd reactions except that I was truly innocent! I know what I said. It was a direct answer to a simple question. For the last several months this has been the answer to every question regarding this simple personal fact. I could not have gotten this one instance wrong!
The lingering emotions have forced me to look in the mirror, asking myself about who I give credit to, especially when things do not work out the way I had hoped. In many cases, I have caught myself assigning blame and responsibility to those close or vulnerable. I skip the process of examining the facts with an open mind. I know, so that is the answer. A wisdom father once challenged the blame process that was unfolding all around him; “They’re the ones who ruined Jacob, who wrecked and looted the place where he lived.” (Psalm 79.7)
Perhaps a fresh, candid, and honest look is in order – always, even when it stings.