Early in life, I listened to the words of someone I deeply respected. The words etched themselves as a message on my mind and across my soul. Looking back, although it took decades for me to understand and act on my response, the themes of that conversation have defined my life themes.
Please note that I do not hold anyone responsible for my hearing and understanding. With the best of intent, words, and feelings are understood within the worldview of the person who listens and reacts. I have come to hear Divinity’s voice in that conversation. I wish I had heard it more clearly. If I had, those closest to me would have experienced a better me. In my awareness, I can hear Divinity’s voice encouraging me to embrace a better future filled with the following pillars.
You and I belong, unconditionally. There are no unspoken criteria or hurdles to belonging to each other as part of Divinity’s family. Divinity’s embrace is a statement of fact. The result is that we cannot be rejected. We may choose to excuse ourselves for a time. Even then, we still belong.
Divinity sees our potential more than we see or imagine it to be. She believes is each one of us. In the best moments and in the worst, Her confidence does not waiver. My story was never defined by my doubt or uncertainty. My story is told through eyes that see what I can be in the love for who I am in this moment. I know my words and actions have not always echoed this story. My prayer is Divinity can repair our hearts as we face life together.
Divinity will always be with you and me. I missed the embracing hugs of acceptance early on, the experience of unconditionally belonging. I know both now. The awareness and experience define my themes; “My text has been, those who were never told of him – they’ll see him! Those who’ve never heard of him – they’ll get the message!” (Romans 15.21).
Life is caring to make a difference.