Something magical happens when one knows there is belief behind the scenes. You can tell when a player knows her or his coach has faith in their abilities. You can sense the confidence of a politician when she or he has the confidence of the party anchoring their views and initiatives. The weight, positive or negative, is clear, especially in the darkness of the night when everything else seems to come into question, when you face the world with your family’s love tucked into a special place in your heart. It is this knowledge of being part of something greater, of the enveloping power of unconditional acceptance, and the faith expressed by someone who loves you, that give each of us power.
It is interesting and often inspiring to see this in action. Ernst Shackleton knew without a doubt how his men looked to him for leadership. Even in the darkest moments of the Antarctic, when everything seemed lost, the thirst for leadership, the knowledge of community, and the authenticity of motives, combined to empower Shackleton beyond anything one could imagine.
No matter what political views you hold, when a leader galvanizes her or his party and wins a clear mandate from the voters, the weight of the people in a particular place and time is profound. If only in hindsight, consider the power Hitler received from the people who believed in his view of the world. Look at contemporary politicians in the height of their popularity – Thatcher, Gandhi, Reagan, Clinton, and yes even Blair – and one can begin to understand how they not only survived their critics, they thrived under extraordinary circumstances.
Jesus knew he had the backing of Divinity. His words acknowledged as much. “In the same way, the Father knows me and I [Jesus] know the Father. I put the sheep before myself, sacrificing myself if necessary.” (John 10.15)
Amazing things happened! God is on your side and mine. Divinity is committed to our restoration. We have the backing. I, you, have a mandate. Today I am committed to giving God my yes.
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