I don’t know about you but I am overwhelmed with information, pictures, stories, video, and noise. Between the radio, cable channels, DVDs, video tapes, newspapers, magazines, and advertisements in between I am drowning. To say there is too much is far too simple. I find myself exhausted after catching up on world events, usually because the update is discouraging, depressing, and ultimately tiring. I find that I watch a movie or program and metaphorically want to take a shower at the end because others have dumped their garbage behavior and choices in my mind and I can’t shovel fast enough to stay clean! Even the radio adds the ugly mix. In the midst of everything I find myself struggling with the simple question. What is important, key, for my life?
In my struggle I have reached some preliminary conclusions.
First, listening, attentive, active, and intentional listening to others is a key. If I value their friendship, conversation and experience, then I will listen to their story.
Second, learning is more important than teaching. There are far more important gaps in my life needing to be filled than there are strengths that need to be shared.
Third, being engaged in the lives of those around me is a high priority than keeping up with politics, knowing my portfolio value, or tracking the latest sports score.
You and I have an incredible challenge and opportunity. Frankly “it's urgent that you get this right: The time has arrived—I mean right now!—when dead men and women will hear the voice of the Son of God and, hearing, will come alive.” (John 5.25) It is, in a blunt assessment, so easy to be wrapped up in junk coming towards us that we totally miss the window of a lifetime.
So what is key in your life and mine? The answer is this; God, our self, and the people we meet along life’s path. Remember it is the process of life that opens up the destination. The decisions you and I take today spells our choice for the future.