The clich? says a rose by any other name is still a rose. If it looks, smells, and behaves like something it is probably that something. Regardless of what name, metaphor, or descriptions we might use the object is still the object. Whatever we might say, however we might treat the object, it is still the same object before it comes near us as it is when it leaves us.
I often find myself not willing to see things for what they are. Friends are better or worse than they really are. Life is either sugar coated or bleak. Deadlines are crises, even when they are flexible. Life can be seen as black and white even as the grays and colors bring beauty and awe to all. What might happen if one was to look with unbiased eyes. What if we could put our prejudice aside? Imagine coming into someone’s presence with unconditional openness and acceptance.
Thinking of the roses in my life, if I could look, see, and react with truth the world would be different. I’m not sure it would be the way I first imagined – peace, harmony, and nirvana wouldn’t be automatic. The simple reason is that I would see others and their needs. Rather than keeping our focus on being defensive we could see and react to the opportunities to help others on their journeys.
Acceptance doesn’t mean being ignorant. “The crooks? Underhanded sneaks they are, inventive in sin and scandal, exploiting the poor with scams and lies, unmoved by the victimized poor.” (Isaiah 32.7) Yet they need and deserve our help.
The lost? Reach out and walk along side for awhile. Earn the right to be engaged in their lives Family? Give them the gift of compassion and mercy? Friends? Share their loads, burdens, and struggles.
I hope my thoughts and actions today tell others of my aspirations. It doesn’t matter what name I go by; a rose is a rose, all the time. We are children of God’s. My prayer is for others to know this with their hearts.
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