Having the measure of something, anything, is critical. Otherwise, boards are the wrong size, screws won’t work as intended, the wrong service shows up for the problem at hand, and friends and experts don’t help. It is rather ironic how little time you and I spend taking the measure of our lives. It’s as if we fear what we already know.
I find I often prejudge those around before any reflection. I find myself assuming what I should do with our relationship. My view is shaped by the pressures, excitement, good news and bad of the moment. It is as if I already know what I am seeing from God’s perspective. As I reflect I find myself coming to grips with two perspectives – God’s on one hand, mine on the other.
Your reality and mine is filled with good and bad, fools and wise ones. We know “fools are fools and that's that, thinking up new ways to do mischief. They leave a wake of wrecked lives and lies about God, turning their backs on the homeless hungry, ignoring those dying of thirst in the streets.” (Isaiah 32.6) We understand there are those who closely walk with the Spirit. The contrast is there if we are willing to see.
The measure of those around us doesn’t dictate our response. Ironically we are called to treat those helpful and less so with a similar approach. God’s way with us is a guide to our way with others.
Acceptance of who, what, and where one is at. We are not responsible for the change within others. We are called to accept, without conditions.
Walking the path. We are responsible for our steps. God may guide, encourage, and call you to a path. The choice of where we walk is our own.
Support others on their journey. Everyone fails at some point. Everyone is dependent on God for success which transcends the worlds measures. We need each other. It is God’s intent with us, it is our calling with each other.
Take stock, be intentional, live.